Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Please continue to pray for the Gautreau Family

Jordan's funeral was yesterday. (Nov 11)
I estimate that over 2000 people attended or visited from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m..  The visitation line wound through two separate entrances from the lobby to the front of the sanctuary.  The average wait was 1 1/2 hours.  Many young people from his high school area and surrounding HPC youth were scattered throughout the congregation.
His family had requested that the HPC team  wear their signature red SERVE t-shirts to the memorial.  Hundreds of staff and HPC volunteers brightened the crowd of mourners.
The service was beautiful with multiple speakers, including his youth pastors, his coach, his dad and his lead pastor and boss.  Many references were made to Jordan's love and devotion to God and His house.  Excerpts were read from his journals and memories were shared of a young man who loved life and knew his purpose.
Though there was an invitation, a general prayer was shared at the end of the service to come to know Christ.  The report last night was that 400 hundred youth came to salvation throughout the area where Jordan's story was told.
Several hundred made their way to the graveside yesterday afternoon, where final goodbyes were shared, including most signing the casket w/ multicolored Sharpies. Afterward, most of the lingerers, wearing red, and close family, returned to the HPC campus for a tasty meal prepared by Cooking For Christ.
Pray for the family for peace and rest after this exhausting ordeal, culminating with yesterday's events.

Thank you, love,

Jordan was a beautiful spirit that walked this earth for a short 22 years, yet in that time for anyone who knew him even briefly knew that he touched their lives in remarkable ways. The presence of peace surrounded him so greatly that even in passerby it could be felt. This I say through experience. I am not a very vocal person (in person) upon first meeting...yet I am very sensitive to people and beauty, real beauty that is cultivated from within shines throughout and Jordan shined brightly in love. That love was the love that he had for humanity. The love of God, the Holy Heavenly Host. The love that can only come from knowing God and what purpose He has for your life. I wish I had known him better. However that was not the case. I was able to observe how he affected people and this word above proves above all else that Jordan was a servant for Christ. It is amazing how God can use one person to bring in thousands into His fold. 2000 people attended the funeral...400 came to Christ upon hearing Jordan's story. That is a beautiful beautiful glorious legacy. I know that Jordan is now holding hands with the Father while he basks in the glory of God. I hope I too can hear the words that I am sure Jordan has heard God has told him: Good work my child, you have served me well, now welcome into my Kingdom...your new heavenly home.

I offer my humble prayers to the Gautreau family:

Dear God, Heavenly Father
I come to you tonight asking that you continue to bless the Gautreau family Lord.
I ask that you comfort them as they live without their son here on earth and have peace in knowing that he is with you Lord. Surround them in your presence Lord God Jesus Christ and wrap your strong arms around them and hold them close as they go throughout their day. When they are feeling low allow for your comfort to seep in sealing and healing the cracks in their hearts. Encourage them in knowing that Jordan touched the lives of those he didn't even know and will continue to touch the hearts of many others.
In your Heavenly name Lord God Jesus
I pray Amen.

Please continue to pray for the Gautreau family, they were faithful to God in bringing up a beautiful child in Christ and he lived his life loving and serving God and the Lord brought him home. May the prayers of our hearts comfort you dear Gautreau's and may the Lord carry you in this time keeping you in the hearth of His Heavenly love.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Power of Prayer

I have been asked how do I deal with personal pain...well I pray and I pray and I pray. There is nothing more important to me that to pray; then after I pray I ask God to empower me and help me to feel faith especially if I am feeling very very low. I have to because sometimes it is hard to have faith, but the great thing is all I have to have is a small measure of faith because God can work with a tiny bit of faith and make it grow. Did you know that just by praying to God that you actually are displaying a show of faith? You are admitting that there is something in your life that you cannot control and you need help and by going to God you are showing that you have faith that He will hear you. Above all else if you have the expectation that He will answer you and leave it to Him to handle then you will have added even more faith to your measure. How do I deal with personal pain...I go to God in prayer, I pray to Him to strenghten my faith, I have faith and expect that God will answer and when He does answer I thank God and praise His name. It is important to thank God and praise His name because you are recognizing that it was because of Him and nothing else that you have what you have prayed for. To God be the glory...if not for you Lord, I would have nothing.

God is a giving and loving God. He wants us to come to him and he wants us to be happy. He wants us first of all to be obedient to his word and not follow the ways of the sinful world. It is important to keep in mind that everything on Earth is passing, but the grace and the glory of God is everlasting. We are only here for a short time to create a beautiful story of our lives...so paint an tapestry of love...build a bridge for peace...make a dream a reality by giving your life over to God, serve and He will provide a way where there was once no way. As long as we keep close to God and develop a strong conversation with him God will show you His power behind your prayers.

Written with Love,

Saturday, September 18, 2010

White Holy Light

        Sweet enveloping Spirit
bind me with your calming energy
Engulf me whole, make me yours
Cure my heart, my mind, my soul
   with your deep warm embrace
You are the power that binds me
    The Healer that holds me
 The Grace that keeps me calm
Fill me so that I will never want
Soothe me so that I will not divide
  falling deeper into the confines
                of my mind
          Be my binding Spirit
             White Holy Light
      Stay my soul, be my might.

    Angelica Drisana Carmouche

A Broken Heart

Have you ever had your heart broken? I have. It can really really hurt and all the words in the world does not seem to heal a broken heart. What is the definition of a broken heart? In my humble opinion I would say the definition of a broken heart is when you are so sad or hurt over an experience that you have gone through or over something that someone has done to you that it consumes your entire being. It follows your days and nights and you feel as if your heart has been kicked out of your chest and you see it spiraling over the side of the universe. That about sum it up? I think so. The hard part about having your heart broken is the healing process. You always heal...the important thing is HOW you heal. It is important to heal in a positive way most conducive to your well being. Drawing from my own personal experience, I can say that it is hard getting over a broken heart. My heart was broken into pieces when I lost my only daughter. She died before she was born so I had to deliver her as a stillborn. I carried my baby to seven and half months. She would have been four years old last month at the end of August. Now this is the hardest year for me because we just celebrated my son Ethan's first birthday and although I am happy and blessed to have my son I could not help thinking of Autumn. I did not fall out and cry and wave my fists in the air screaming "Why God Why??? No I got down on my knees and prayed to God that my heart continue to heal as I continue to mourn her as another year goes by. I miss her. She may not have lived a day outside the womb but baby she lived inside of me. I felt her move, I felt her kick and I felt her as she grew inside of me for seven months up until the day she decided she was going to go back to the Lord. It was difficult letting go. I cried for months. I found that writing helped alot during that time and two years later I had my book put together and had it published in her honor. One of the poems I wrote dedicated to her is entitled "A Balm". If you are familar with balms it is a soothing salve to heal wounds. Jesus made balms when he healed the sick and created his wonderful miracles and this poem is based on the true life experience that I encountered the second I delivered my baby Autum's body and the spiritual encounter that followed. It was truly heart achingly beautiful. It took my breath away and it also brought me a second closer to healing than I ever though possible in my life. If you think you are all alone in the world, then you do not realize that there are Angels and of course the Almighty God looking out for you. The most wonderful thing about God is he is there all the time. You may not notice him, but he is there. He is most there when you have had a broken heart. When your heart is broken, your heart is open and bleeding; your heart is pouring out emotion and is ready and open for a cure. God enters in through a broken heart and heals. All you have to do is call out to him and even if you cannot speak, if all you can do is cry or even wail...just know your spirit is calling out to Him and He can enter in and make things well again. I know you have heard of the expression...it is greater later...well it is. God is the greatest and He can make all things greater. The most important thing to remember is when a heart breaks it is because that heart has loved and where there is love, there is always God; God is the healer that can mend all broken hearts bringing the pieces back together to form an even more beautiful loving reality than ever imagined.

Written with Love,

Monday, September 13, 2010


Welcome to my new blog, Ask Drisana! I created this blog for everyone who requested that I start a relationship blog. Thank you I appreciate the warm words and motivation for encouragement. Let me tell you a little about myself. I am a poet true to my heart and my words come from my own experiences. I do not advertise to hold any special degrees although I do have a a Batchelors of the Arts degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a concentration in Psychology. This does not make me a pychologist or a shrink or anything of the sort. It just means like anyone out there I am interested in human nature and search for meaning in whatever interests me. I believe in God and that there are Angels all around us that guide and protect us as we journey through in this life and have a deep respect for prayer and prayer life. I believe in enhancing prayer life and know based on my own experiences that prayer can change your life for the better. I believe in the power of life and death in the tongue and I believe in living spiritually and treating others the way I would like to be treated. Hence the Golden Rule.

I welcome you to email me with anything you may wish to ask or say and I will post your questions, comments and I will pray for you about it and post my response. I hope to inspire you, to make you feel inspired and hopefully incorporate that inspiration into your everyday life. I know that you all will continue to be an inspiration to me as you already have inspired me to embark upon this new unknown.