Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 4 of 21 Day Fast

Not by my will, Lord, but by your will be done. That is what has been rolling through my head all day today as the 4th day of my 21 day fast leads toward a close. It is interesting to me how far from God and His perspective I have been in life. After removing food for just four days now how much I have leaned on nothing but the support of the Lord God Jesus Christ. How I have called on His name just in my mind. It is interesting to note that this is not something that I have done in my life just daily. I have prayed yes, I have seen God answer prayer and have felt the power of prayer in my life yes. I have been a testimony and have seen my own personal miracles occur but now I can actually say that I have felt God pull me closer in to Him and I have felt His presence more.

There is more to this I know, there is more than I have to learn. I want to learn more, I yearn to learn more to feel more to have more passion in life for Christ. I have committed myself to this fast and it is absolutely amazing to me that I have a new desire a new driving hunger to have a more initimate relationship with God.

I cannot speculate on what will happen next. I am experiencing as I go through this and I am learning. It is not easy but when it gets the hardest and believe me the devil tries to play on my mind...calling on the name of the Lord and praying Lord, God if this be your will then let it be. Not by my will but by your will Lord God be done. Total surrender, total trust.

Have faith and be still.
