Monday, January 31, 2011

Lesson Learned: More God, Less Me.

There are many reasons people may choose to fast. Some may fast to lose weight. Others fast for religious traditional reasons at certain times of the year. What I have learned from fasting this year is fasting is to humble oneself before God. To completely surrender in faith and trust to God. In humbling oneself, we are asking God to take over and we are asking God to draw nearer to us. We are asking God to change us. God does not change for us when we fast because God is the same now as He was in the beginning as He always will be. When we fast we are changing ourselves in order for Him to work through us and in us. We are seeking our true selves through God. We are saying Yes to Him and saying More of you Lord and less of me.

If you choose to fast, you can take comfort in knowing that a fast is anything you wish to refrain from for a certain amount of time. You can take a fast of food which is the most common or you can do other can fast from television, you can fast from sex, you can fast from smoking, you can fast from anything that you wish the Lord to speak to you about during your fast so that you can receive your breakthrough. It is important to pray while you fast, because like said, it is a surrender...and refraining from anything for any porportionate length of time takes patience and most importantly prayer.

Fasting brings you closer to God, it allows you to remove yourself from what it is that you are fasting from so that God can remove blockages from your life and work miracles for you. Have faith and trust that God wants to work wonderful things for you. He loves you. I have learned this over my previous fast: More God, Less Me.

