Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Don't Push Through it, Walk Through It: With God

This is a simple summary of my new book I am working on

Don't Push Through It, Walk Through It: With God
Getting Over Loss and Grief
By Angelica Carmouche

Often times, I have thought that every trial and tribulation that I have gone through was something that came into my life as something being against me or something or someone was attacking me in my life and I just had to forget about it in order to push through it. I felt that I basically had to push the incident or time frame out of my mind and focus on something else.
Naturally, I believe that some people would agree with those statements, you know…just push through whatever is ailing you. Don't think about it. Find other things to occupy your mind and your time and in time things will feel normal again. It is a negative form of thinking because you are avoiding the reality of what actually happened to you. It also brings up a couple questions: like what exactly is "normal" and how do I get back to it without feeling that normal won't ever be unless this had never happened to me? These are hard questions huh? Yeah, I think so. I think that when you force yourself to forget things that have happened to you in life you actually end up losing a portion of who you are and you forget that there is a bigger purpose for life. I have come to find throughout some very depressing and harrowing moments in my life that there is a big huge universe of purpose and a defining power behind that purpose that holds not only challenge for getting stronger but also opportunity for mental and emotional clarity, spiritual growth and an ever increasing growth and strengthening of faith. This power behind the purpose is our Heavenly Father and the Lord God Jesus Christ.
The realization that I have come to is this: when we face the issues and facts of the circumstances that surround what has happened to us to create the trials and tribulations that we have gone through and go to God in prayer, we give ourselves over to God. When we give ourselves over to God we are opening ourselves up to a multitude of blessings that can then change our lives. We begin to walk through our pain with God holding our hand and in walking through the pain not pushing through the pain we begin to accept and heal.
This book is going to describe some serious drama that I have gone through in my life. Lord Jesus, big smile. Some serious drama that most likely wouldn't have happened if I had not allowed negative thinking and negative thought control my life. Yet hey, I am not perfect…right, I am human. I learned over time, most recently in fact, that God heard my prayers, heard my cries, and He heeded my call and out of all the crap that I went through, I actually have some triumphs. There is still more to my story that I have not lived through yet but as I walk through this with God at the forefront I am reminded that not only is my story not over there is more wonderful things to come and that is the hope for a future.