Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Have Time Anyone?

Well, I have been learning somethings these past few months...doing alot of reading...I mean alot of reading.  The Blessed Life by Pastor Robert Morris, the Bible, books with passages of scripture and the Bible. Every now and again around seven thirty, I read to my son...Baby's First Bible Stories and What to do with the Boo Hoo Baby...thats fun.

I may squeeze some house work in there, but basically my house looks like the center circle of you know where. I have washed but unfolded clothes on everywhere but the kitchen counters and tables...a few dishes left to wash...because we only have so many of those...hahah...got to wash those dishes. Trash has been taken out Thank GOD. But I feel like there is never enough time. I found myself getting frustrated to the point of well...I don't know what because it is literally the minute I get my house looking like nobody lives there...we live in it and it gets trashed out again. Toys everywhere...blocks...books, teddy bears...more blocks...socks. Oh and movies because my son loves movies.

For anyone who doesn't know I am a single mother so my child goes to daycare and I work...I am expecting again with eight weeks left so by the time I get back from work and get up situated in the house, I am tired, tired, tired. Again... Time Time Time.

Most people wish for time, more time, to do this, more time to do that....to go back in time and do what wasn't done so that they wouldn't have to do what the are doing now. I had to learn that God has his own time too and I am not on my time schedule, I am on God's time schedule and when He wants something done that is when it needs to be done. Usually when He says get it done, it means right then...not later.

I am one of the world's biggest procrastinators...I believe myself to be a good pressure worker, or that I work well under pressure. Well at least that is what I used to think. I no longer fool myself into believing that foolishness. I now know I have to make time for everything otherwise I will never get anything done. Now since I will have two babies running around the house taking up another piece of time I feel I do not have enough of...I have to get more organized than I ever thought I could be.

It is stressful to feel as if you do not have enough time to do housework, enough time to spend with the kids, any time to shower, any time to eat...any time to sleep...no time no time...if only I had enough time. God give me peace.

For all the work we do everyday in order to make money to pay bills just to come home to a house that is in a state of disarray it can weigh heavily on our hearts and our minds and create a depressing stressed feeling. That is why I have started something that to me I feel is new to my heart. It may not be new to some...I know it is not new at all...but seeing as I had never fully employed this process...it is a new process for me.

I am dedicating the first of my time to the Lord. I wake up at 4a.m. well before my child...that may change in eight weeks with the new baby but for now...I wake first. I am starting to give the first of my time to the Lord so that He will bless the rest of my day and I will feel less stressed and have more peace of mind to get my tasks done throughout the day. It is a good concept that can become habitual and a part of life if applied daily. If in everything you put God first...start first with your time...God will give you more of.

The whole idea of tithing extends much further than money...although we have to be faithful in that as well. Having faith and having faith stretched is a painful experience especially if you have never been tested before. I don't believe I had been truly tested until now. The experiences so many people have gone through, everything that I could have avoided...but God is testing me so now I know there is a developmental process that I have to go through in order to become fully rounded in the Lord...part of that...the most important part...is putting God first in everything...time, money, effort and purpose.

Ecc 6:7 We work for our own desires and yet we crave even more..

Crave God, put him first and He will pour out blessings for you that you never imagined. Hold tight to faith. Make God your purpose in life by willing your efforts towards what He wants you to do with your time. Place your heart on God and everything in your will be blessed including the all elusive time...smile.